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Capitals of Countries

Wondering where is the capital city of which country in the world? Unless there are rare situations such as war, the capitals that do not change are the administrative center of the countries. In other words, the capital is the government center in a country. In the list below, you can see which country is the capital city and which city, you can access the list by country.

Currencies used in the world

More than 200 different currencies are used in different countries around the world. The most used currency is the US Dollar and the Euro. The currencies and symbols used in various countries in the world are among the most sought-after topics on the Internet in this field. You can access all these currencies list and symbols as follows.

The most spoken languages ​​in the world

It is known that people speak more than 7,000 languages ​​worldwide. The continent, which has the most languages ​​with 2294 different languages, is Asia, followed by Africa with 2,144. While 1,313 languages ​​are spoken in the Pacific region, there are 287 different language families in Europe.

If you think the most spoken language in the world is English

, you are wrong because the most spoken language in the world is Chinese and English is the third most spoken language.

Online Shopping and Tricks

With the development of technology, there is no space left for social media in our lives. Social media is the first address especially in eating, drinking, clothing and entertainment. This brings us a dangerous and risky situation as well as some convenience. For example, the places we go may not be able to meet the expectations by getting into the allure of the photos. Or an item we want to buy may seem much less quality than it seems. This article, which has been compiled on how to trust and what to do, has been prepared to take a look at the positive and negative aspects of social media and internet use.