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Posts published in “Economy”

List of currencies by country

As it was known in ancient times, there was no currency and people bought what they needed through barter. This barter method would not have progressed very well, as a universally accepted method of buying and selling was needed. Thereupon, the first coins were minted in Western Anatolia around 600 BC. Money, which has developed over the years, is used in many different ways today. One of them is Bitcoin, although it is not officially accepted. Starting from the officially recognized currencies, we have discussed the currency by country and the full list of these currencies in detail. About the currency and currency of the countries, we can first start with the definition of currency.

Currencies used in the world

More than 200 different currencies are used in different countries around the world. The most used currency is the US Dollar and the Euro. The currencies and symbols used in various countries in the world are among the most sought-after topics on the Internet in this field. You can access all these currencies list and symbols as follows.

Online Shopping and Tricks

With the development of technology, there is no space left for social media in our lives. Social media is the first address especially in eating, drinking, clothing and entertainment. This brings us a dangerous and risky situation as well as some convenience. For example, the places we go may not be able to meet the expectations by getting into the allure of the photos. Or an item we want to buy may seem much less quality than it seems. This article, which has been compiled on how to trust and what to do, has been prepared to take a look at the positive and negative aspects of social media and internet use.

The countries with the lowest unemployment rate

Unemployment is defined as people who want to work in society but cannot find a job. As the unemployment rate in a country is extremely important

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, governments follow efforts to reduce the unemployment rate.

When we look at the countries around the world, it is possible to see that the unemployment rate is quite low in the countries that attract attention with their growing economies. Unemployment rate is one of the leading indicators of development and growth of a country.

Bitcoin prices by years

First of all, if we define Bitcoin; Any central bank, government agency, etc. is an electronic currency not affiliated with. Bitcoin can be divided into units up to 100 millionth after the comma. Bitcoin, which is considered to be the crypto currency of the fastest output of recent times, is also defined as the most used currency in the Deep Network.

History of Bitcoin

First introduced on January 3

, 2009, this currency was limited to 21 million. While the total value of Bitcoins in circulation in July 2013 was $ 1.2 billion, it rose sharply on June 4, 2014, reaching $ 8.2 billion. Bitcoin is referred to as BTC.

The most worthless currencies in the world

Have you ever wondered which country is the most worthless currency compared to countries

, which countries are more worthless with their economy and currency? Exchange rates, which have changed as a result of the changes in global economies, are directly reflected in that country’s currency. There are approximately 180 different currencies in the world. Some of these currencies have become the most worthless currency in the world through various strategies and economic factors.

Most worthless currency

In this article

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, which are the lowest value currencies in the world with their countries and compared with the dollar discussed. Which currency is the most worthless? What are the lowest value currencies? Which country’s currency is worth less? Which currencies have the lowest value by country? Here is a list and ranking of the most worthless currencies among countries in the world.